Surrey Section Events 2024

Members Social Evening & Committee Meeting

Every first Monday (February to November)

At The Stepping Stones Pub, Westhumble Street, Westhumble RH5 6BS

Section Events 2024 - Proposed and subject to change

17 August - Capel Classic Car show - please book direct

22 September - Kempton Steam Museum & Classic Car Show

9 October - To be confirmed

3 November - VCC London to Brighton with Central Southern as hosts

8th December - AGM & Christmas Charity Lunch at Kingswood Golf Club

Hunt House Seminars

View the seminars in full on the national website where full details of the events - including timings and schedules - can also be found. Please remember you will need to log into the RREC website as a member (by clicking 'Log in' in the top right-hand corner) in order to purchase your place at these seminars. 
Places are limited, so we would encourage booking as soon as possible so you don't miss out.

5-6 October 2024: Post-War Six-Cylinder Models Seminar

Our very special thanks to James Longley for his professional video skills to produce this video for us of the amazing day we enjoyed for our Charity Classic Car event in 2021